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Addis Modjo Edible Oil Complex Share Company is the most prominent manufacturer and the largest edible oil factory in Ethiopia. It is equipped with the latest oil processing and refining technology.

The legal name of Addis-Modjo S. Co is Addis-Modjo Edible Oil Complex Share Company. Year of Establishment: In 1996 as Addis-Modjo Edible Oil Complex S. Co and production has been started in 1997.

Business Location: The physical address of Addis-Modjo S. Co is Nifassilk-Lafto KK, Kebelle 10/18, and House No. 282.
Government Regulations: Addis-Modjo S. Co is a going concern registered under the regulation of the Commercial Code of Ethiopia. The business activities of Addis-Modjo S. Co are regulated by both Federal and State Authorities. Addis-Modjo S. Co obtained its trading licenses and permits from Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Company Ownership: Addis-Modjo Edible Oil Complex Share Company is a privately owned company. It is owned by Amibara Agricultural Development PLC, Omo Valley Agro-Industry PLC and other individual partners including the late Mr. Abduletif Oumer. Its Major shareholder, Amibara Agricultural Development PLC, holds 75% and Omo Valley Agro-Industry PLC holds 7.6% of the total shares issued while their associate partners get the remaining 17.4%, which is apportioned per their fund contribution. The company has been established with the founders’ and his associate partners’ own capital

Business Description

Addis-Modjo Edible Oil Complex Share Company is one of the largest and modern edible oil producing company in Ethiopia. Addis-Modjo S. Company was re-established two years back through vigorous effort of the late Mr. Abduletif Oumer Mohammed, a self-made entrepreneur and motivated businessman Mr. Abduletif Oumer who was the major shareholder (more than 90%) of Amibara Agricultural Development PLC the company purchased Addis-Modjo S. C. in an effort to diversify the business portfolio of the parent Company. The parent company (Amibara Agricultural Development PLC) which bought this Company is engaged in commercial farming and agri-business. Hence, Amibara PLC which has already proved its competency in the area of its engagement planning to involve yet in the most promising sector which is Edible Oil.